So the lil baby is 6 months old. After reading numerous books, articles and blogs, they are suppose to be able to sleep at least a minimum of 6 hours of sleep during the night.
My baby however keeps waking up at every 1.5 and 2 hours to suckle and feed. And yes, I have started him on solids. What am I doing wrong??? I've tried everything. Forcing him to be awake in the evening so that he will sleep at night. Nope, woke up half an hour after that. Looking for his sleep cues and putting him to sleep right after. Still waking up. Establishing a routine, the crying out method and he still wakes up at night. Recently he has been waking up at night to play in the dark bedroom. He is however very considerate, as he will crawl off his mattress, onto the flour and play quietly trying not to wake us up at 2.30 a.m.
Unless of course he finally sees me and will crawl and claw at my back to wake up.
Anyone know any remedies or solutions for my vampire baby????
Vampire Baby at 1 mnth and a half. Don't be fooled by his innocent charm